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How to change the language of your WordPress blog

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Many people have encountered a problem when updating their WordPress blog; it may be in a completely different language than the one easily recognized by their administrators (or editors). On previous occasions we had suggested video tutorials and practical examples to change the language in a WordPress blog, but with the most recent update this alternative was practically useless.

We will suggest you a little trick that complements this information, something that is very easy to follow thanks to the convenience of an interesting option that the administrators of the CMS Content Manager have placed in its most recent version.

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If you have doubts you can always watch videos on Youtube to have a visual reference when changing the language of a WordPress blog; some of the final steps today are no longer effective, something that came to arise almost since the new version of WordPress 4.0.

Anyway, there is still a small solution that we could adopt, as long as we adapt to the new alternative proposed by this version of the CMS Content Management System; next we will mention a series of sequential steps that you should follow faithfully to be able to change the language of your WordPress blog, in case it is in a different language to the one you currently have. The main objective will be to try to change the interface language to Spanish.

It is worth mentioning that the method we will suggest next could vary at any other time, due to the updates eventually proposed by their developers. In case of such a situation we will try to make a new “revision” on how to change this language.

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Go to the main page of

Many aspects have come to change, something that we might even realize if we go to the official website of, there many of the menus that you can admire in the video previously proposed no longer exist, something that comes to be annoying for a group of people because they no longer find, those options that we could have recommended to choose at a given time.

Anyway, we suggest that you go to the official website using your favorite Internet browser. At that moment the website will detect the language of the region you are in, and you can admire a small message that says: “WordPress is now available in Spanish” or in your language.