What is cPanel?
The cPanel is the control panel used to manage various aspects of your hosting.
It is the best-known web server management tool used by the best hostings, including those that specialize in WordPress.
It is characterized by its ease of use, as it is designed so that anyone can manage your hosting without being a technology scholar.
Also for the large number of configurations that can be done with it, from the most basic aspects, such as the creation of databases for your website, to more complex aspects, such as DNS zone management.
But with cPanel you can not only manage your hosting. It also gives you all the information related to your account, such as the hard disk space you have occupied, bandwidth consumption, or the number of email accounts you have created.
Although there are a number of standard configurations that you will find in all hostings, depending on the web storage company you choose you can find one or other extra tools to improve the performance of your website.
What can I do from the cPanel of my hosting
When you access the cPanel with the username and password provided by your hosting, you find a page full of options separated by categories.
Depending on the hosting and the version of cPanel you use, the appearance will change a little, the categories may be in a different order, and some options may or may not vary, but the difference will be minimal.
The images that I put next are from Sered’s cPanel, the hosting in which this web is stored.
From the domains section you can add the subdomains you need (for free), add additional domains that you have purchased at other registrars such as NameCheap, park domains, create redirects, transfer domains, register a new one, and other more advanced options.
Automatic installation
Sered, like the majority of hostings specialized in WordPress and other content managers, offers the possibility of installing in just a few clicks some of the most used CMS.
This tool is ideal for people who do not want to complicate their lives by creating databases or users for the installation of WordPress, as it creates it automatically.
Site improvement tools
As I said at the beginning, these are extra tools that Sered includes to improve your website. The highlights of this hosting are the ability to use Cloudflare and SuperCacher to improve loading speed.
From here you will be able to create email accounts with your domain (hola@tudominio.com), you can even access an application to send and receive emails by clicking on Webmail.
You can also create emails that are sent automatically each time someone sends you an email, apply a series of filters or manage spam mails that come to you, among other options.
You have available a series of statistics that you can consult, in addition to a tool from which you can change the PHP version of your web easily.
Although this tool goes very well, you may miss it in other hostings.
In this section of the cPanel you can access the file manager, where you can view all the files on your website, upload new ones and modify or delete existing ones.
You can also see how much hard disk space you are using and which are the largest files.
Finally, you can view and create FTP accounts to access your hosting and transfer files to your website from your favorite program.
This section is dedicated to databases. From here you can create the databases you need for your websites and manage the users who have permissions on them.
You have available the phpMyAdmin tool, from which you can view and modify all the databases you have created.
Backup Manager
Sered offers the possibility of creating a backup when you want or restoring one of the copies it makes automatically every 4 hours.
Visitor statistics
In this section you can see some statistics, such as the last visits, the bandwidth consumed or a record of the last errors that have been detected on your website, among others.
There is a section dedicated to security. You can protect directories with a password or block access to your website to the IP addresses you specify, among other options.
From here you can install the SSL certificate Let’s Encrypt easily and for free.
Finally, it offers several advanced options, such as an image manager where you can resize the images you have uploaded to your website, set up access via SSH or edit the most common error pages.